Standing Committee of Press Photographers

Administration of the Press Photographers’ Gallery is vested in a Standing Committee of Press Photographers comprised of six members who represent the various media types of which the Gallery’s membership are affiliated. These include: Agency-Freelance, AFP-Reuters, Associated Press, at large, Magazine, and Newspaper. “At large” members may be selected from a media otherwise represented on the Standing Committee. Representatives are selected in an election by voting members of the Gallery. The Committee limits Gallery membership to bona fide news photographers of repute in their profession under such rules as the Committee prescribes.

The Press Photographers’ Gallery accredits press photographers assigned to cover the activities of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and assists members with such coverage. The staff of the Gallery is employed by the U.S. Senate under the auspices of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.

The Gallery and Studio offices are equipped with telephones for use by members. Telephones may be used for local calls only.


  • J. Scott Applewhite, Associated Press – Chairman
  • Win McNamee, Getty Images – Secretary/Treasurer
  • Saul Loeb, AFP
  • Bill Clark, CQ/Roll Call
  • Kenny Holston, New York Times
  • Al Drago, Independent