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Today's Floor Schedule

The Senate will next convene on Tuesday, February 11 at 10:00 AM and, following any leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Tulsi Gabbard to be Director of National Intelligence, post cloture.

The Senate will recess from 12:30 – 2:15 PM to allow for the weekly caucus luncheons.

The House will next convene on Tuesday, February 11 at 10:00 AM for morning house and 12:00 PM for legislative business. First votes will occur at 1:30 PM and final votes are expected at 2:15 PM.

Upcoming Hearings & Events

Please contact gallery for hearings coverage at press_photo@saa.senate.gov

Monday, February 10

House Committee on Rules
Business Meeting: H.R. 77 – Midnight Rules Relief Act
4:00 PM | H-313 CAPITOL

Tuesday, February 11

Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Organizational business meeting to consider an original resolution authorizing expenditures by the committee, and subcommittee assignments for the 119th Congress.
10:00 AM – SD-366

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine the Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress.
Witnesses: The Honorable Jerome H. Powell, Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
10:00 AM – SH-216

House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure | Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment
Hearing: “America Builds: Clean Water Act Permitting and Project Delivery”
Witnesses: Robert D. Singletary, Executive Director, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality; Honorable Shawn M. LaTourette, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Noah Hanners, Executive Vice President, Nucor Corporation, on behalf of the National Association of Manufacturers; Buddy Hasten, President and Chief Executive Officer, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation, on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
10:00 AM | 2167 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Agriculture
Hearing: “Examining the Economic Crisis in Farm Country”
Witnesses: Dr. John Newton, Executive Head, Terrain, Washington, D.C.; Ms. Alisha Schwertner, Owner, Eric and Alisha Schwertner Farms, Miles, TX.; Mr. Ryan Talley, Partner, Talley Farms, Arroyo Grande, CA on behalf of the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance.; Mr. Rodney M. Weinzierl, Owner, Weinzierl Farms, Stanford, IL.
10:00 AM | 1300 Longworth HOB

House Committee on Ways and Means | Subcommittee on Oversight
Hearing: IRS Return on Investment and the Need for Modernization
Witnesses: Pete Sepp, President, National Taxpayers Union; Hayden Dublois, Data and Analytics Director, Foundation for Government Accountability; Minesh Ladwa, Global Energy Solution Manager, Tax and Revenue Management, SAP; Kristen Kociolek, Managing Director for Financial Management and Assurance Team, Government Accountability Office (GAO); Nina Olson, Executive Director, Center for Taxpayer Rights
10:00 AM | 1100 Longworth HOB

House Committee on House Administration
Business Meeting: Full Committee Hearing: “Part 1: Committee Funding for the 119th Congress
10:00 AM | 1310 Longworth HOB

House Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust
Hearing: Reining in the Administrative State: Regulatory and Administrative Law Reform
Witnesses: Rick Smith, CEO, Axon Enterprise; Magatte Wade, U.S. Entrepreneur; Dr. Patrick McLaughlin, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
10:00 AM | 2141 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Homeland Security | Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security
Hearing: “Examining the PRC’s Strategic Port Investments in the Western Hemisphere and the Implications for Homeland Security Part I”
Witnesses: Issac Kardon, PhD, Senior Fellow, Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Matthew Kroenig, PhD, Vice President and Senior Director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security of the Atlantic Council; Ryan C. Berg, PhD, Director of the Americas Program, Head of the Future of Venezuela Initiative, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Mr. Cary Davis, President & CEO, The American Association of Port Authorities
10:00 AM | 310 Canon HOB

House Committee on Appropriations | Subcommittee on National Security, Department of State, and Related Programs
Hearing: Oversight Hearing Mexicos Water Treaty Violations and the Impact on Americans
Witnesses: The Honorable Monica De La Cruz, Member of Congress; Mr. Jed Murray, Director of Government Relations, Texas International Produce Association; Mr. Dale Murden, Grower and President, Texas Citrus Mutual; Ms. Jennifer Cervantes, Washington Representative, Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers
10:00 AM | 2359 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Natural Resources | Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
Hearing: Oversight Hearing on Restoring Energy Dominance: The Path to Unleashing American Offshore Energy
Witnesses: Mr. Chet Chiasson, Executive Director, Greater Lafourche Port Commission, Cut Off, LA; Ms. Peg Howell, Founder, Stop Offshore Drilling in the Atlantic, Hendersonville, NC; Mr. Tim Tarpley, President, Energy Workforce and Technology Council, Houston, TX; Mr. T. Lane Wilson, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Williams Companies, Tulsa, OK
10:15 AM | 1324 Longworth HOB

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity
Hearing: Bureaucratic Barriers: Making VBA Education Services Work for Veterans and not the Bureaucracy
Witnesses: Mr. Ken Smith, Acting Executive Director, Education Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; Mr. James Ruhlman, Deputy Director, Education Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
10:15 AM | 360 Canon HOB

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services
Hearing: Examining the Growth of the Welfare State Part I
Witnesses: Robert Rector, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Health and Welfare, The Heritage Foundation; Patrice Onwuka, Director, Center for Economic Opportunity, Independent Women’s Forum; Michael Linden (Minority Witness), Senior Policy Fellow, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
1:30 PM | 2247 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Natural Resources | Subcommittee on Federal Lands
Hearing: Oversight Hearing on: “Restoring Multiple Use to Revitalize Americas Public Lands and Rural Communities”
Witnesses: The Honorable Eric Clarke, County Attorney, Washington County, St. George, Utah; Mr. Jim D. Neiman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Neiman Enterprises, Hulett, Wyoming; Mr. Tim Canterbury, President, Public Lands Council, Howard, Colorado; Mr. Dan Gibbs, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Denver, Colorado [Minority Witness]
2:00 PM | 1324 Longworth HOB

House Committee on Ways and Means | Subcommittee on Health
Hearing: Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives
Witnesses: Brooks Tingle, CEO, John Hancock Financial; Dr. Jay Carlson, OGYN and Clinical Chair, Mercy Clinical Research; Marcie Strouse, Small Business Owner and Partner, Capitol Benefits; Leslie Dach, Founder and Chairman, Protect Our Care
2:00 PM | 1100 Longworth HOB

House Committee on Financial Services
Hearing: Hearing Entitled: A Golden Age of Digital Assets: Charting a Path Forward
Witnesses: Mr. Jonathan Jachym, Deputy General Counsel and Global Head of Policy & Government Relations, Kraken Digital Asset Exchange; Mr. Ji Hun Kim, President and Acting CEO, Crypto Council for Innovation; Mr. Coy Garrison, Partner, Steptoe LLP; Mr. Jose Fernandez da Ponte, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Blockchain, Crypto and Digital Currencies, PayPal
2:30 PM | 2128 Rayburn House Office Building

Wednesday, February 12

Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Business meeting to consider S.298, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to relocate 30 percent of the employees assigned to headquarters to duty stations outside the Washington metropolitan area, S.300, to improve accountability in the disaster loan program of the Small Business Administration, S.371, to require certain reports on small business disaster assistance to be published on the website of the Small Business Administration, and committee rules for the 119th Congress.
9:30 AM – SR-428A

Senate Environment and Public Works
Hearings to examine advancing carbon capture, utilization and sequestration technologies and ensuring effective implementation of the USE IT Act.
Witnesses: Kevin Connors, Assistant Director for Regulatory Compliance and Energy Policy, Energy and Environmental Research Center; Dan Yates, Executive Director, Ground Water Protection Council, Inc.; Jack Andreasen Cavanaugh, Manager, Carbon Management, U.S. Policy and Advocacy, Breakthrough Energy
10:00 AM – SD-406

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine the nomination of Lori Chavez-DeRemer, of Oregon, to be Secretary of Labor.
Witnesses: Testimony from nominees
10:00 AM – SD-G50

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine the Arctic and Greenland’s geostrategic importance to U.S. interests.
Witnesses: Mr. Alexander Gray, Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs, American Foreign Policy Council; Mr. Anthony Marchese, Chairman, Texas Mineral Resources; Dr. Jennifer Mercer, Section Head for the Arctic Sciences Section at the Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation; Dr. Rebecca Pincus, Director of Polar Institute, Wilson Center
10:00 AM – SR-253

Senate Budget
Business meeting to markup the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2025.
10:00 AM – SH-216

House Committee on Natural Resources
Markup: H.R. 231 Rep. Hageman Colorado River Basin System Conservation Extension Act of 2025;H.R. 249 Rep. Pallone To redesignate certain facilities at Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park in honor of Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr.;H.R. 302 Rep. Maloy Water Rights Protection Act of 2025;H.R. 331 Rep. Fulcher To amend the Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act to clarify a provision relating to conveyances for aquifer recharge purposes.H.R. 618 Rep. Horsford To amend t
10:00 AM | 1324 Longworth HOB

House Committee on Ways and Means
Markup: Markup of H.R. 1155 H.R. 997 H.R. 998 H.R. 1152 and H.R. 1156
10:00 AM | 1100 Longworth HOB

House Committee on the Judiciary
Hearing: The Censorship-Industrial Complex
Witnesses: Matt Taibbi, Twitter Files journalist; author; Founder, Racket News; Michael Shellenberger, Twitter Files journalist; CBR Chair of Politics, Censorship, and Free Speech, University of Austin; Founder, Public News; Rupa Subramanya, Canada-based journalist, The Free Press
10:00 AM | 2141 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency
Hearing: The War on Waste: Stamping Out the Scourge of Improper Payments and Fraud
Witnesses: Stewart Whitson, Former FBI Special Agent, Senior Director of Federal Affairs, Foundation for Government Accountability; Haywood Talcove, Chief Executive Officer, Lexis Nexis Risk Solution; Dawn Royal, Director, United Council on Welfare Fraud
10:00 AM | 2247 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Hearing: Subcommittee on Energy: From Transformative Science to Technological Breakthroughs: DOEs National Laboratories
Witnesses: Dr. John Wagner, Director, Idaho National Laboratory; Dr. Thom Mason, Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Dr. Paul Kearns, Director, Argonne National Laboratory; Dr. Kimberly Budil, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10:00 AM | 2318 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Small Business
Hearing: Driving Economic Growth: SBA Lending Programs and the Vital Role of Community Banks
Witnesses: Justin Hooper, CEO and Chairman, Cross Timbers Region, First Financial Bank; Michael Sims, Chief Commercial Banking Officer, Georgia’s Own Credit Union, on behalf of America’s Credit Unions; Frank Wetegrove, Owner/Operator, Camp Bow Wow, on behalf of International Franchise Association; Heidi DeArment, President, Montana Community Development Corp dba MoFi
10:00 AM | 2360 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure | Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
Hearing: “America Builds: A Review of Programs to Address Roadway Safety”
Witnesses: Honorable James H. Willox, Commissioner, Converse County, Wyoming, on behalf of the National Association of Counties; Michael Hanson, Director, Office of Traffic Safety, Minnesota Department of Public Safety, on behalf of the Governors Highway Safety Association; Haley Norman, Co-Owner, Direct Traffic Control, Inc., on behalf of the American Traffic Safety Services Association; Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
10:00 AM | 2167 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Financial Services
Hearing: Hearing Entitled: The Federal Reserve’s Semi-Annual Monetary Policy Report
Witnesses: The Honorable Jerome H. Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
10:00 AM | 2128 Rayburn House Office Building

House Committee on Appropriations | Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
Hearing: Career Ready Students: Innovations from Community Colleges and the Private Sector
Witnesses: Mr. Preston Cooper, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute; Dr. Vicki Karolewics, President, Wallace State Community College; Dr. Mary Alice McCarthy, Senior Director, Center on Education & Labor, New America; Mr. Dennis Parker, Consultant, Regional Talent Development, Toyota Motor North America
10:00 AM | 2358-C Rayburn HOB

House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade
Hearing: AI in Manufacturing: Securing American Leadership in Manufacturing and the Next Generation of Technologies
Witnesses: Ms. Barbara Humpton, President and CEO, Siemens Corporation; Mr. Jason Oxman, President and CEO, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI); Mr. Jeff Kinder, Executive Vice President, Product Development and Manufacturing Solutions, Autodesk; Dr. Elisabeth B. Reynolds, Professor of Practice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
10:00 AM | 2123 Rayburn HOB

House Committee on House Administration
Hearing: Full Committee Hearing “Part 2: Committee Funding for the 119th Congress”
Witnesses: TBA
10:00 AM | 1310 Longworth HOB

Senate Judiciary
Hearings to examine pending nominations.
Witnesses: TBA
10:15 AM – SD-226

House Committee on Natural Resources | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Hearing: Oversight hearing titled: “Leaving Indian Children Behind: Reviewing the State of BIE Schools.”
Witnesses: Panel 1: Ms. Kathleen Sedney, Assistant Inspector General for Audits, Inspections, and Evaluations, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.; Ms. Melissa Emery-Arras, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security Team, Government Accountability Office, Washington, D.C.; Panel 2: Mr. Kasey Valesquez, Chairman, White Mountain Apache Tribe, Whiteriver, AZ; Ms. Cecilia Fire Thunder, President, Oglala Lakota Nation Education Coalition, Martin, SD; Ms. Shawna Becenti, Head of School, Navajo Preparatory School, Farmington, NM; Mr. Jason Dropik, Executive Director, National Indian Education Association, Washington, D.C. (Minority witness)
2:00 PM | 1334HR Longworth HOB

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs | Subcommittee on Health
Hearing: Roles and Responsibilities: Evaluating VA Community Care
Witnesses: Panel one: Dr. Steven Braverman, Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration; Dr. Sachin Yende, Chief Medical Officer for Integrated Veteran Care, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration; Ms. Sharon Silas, Director, Health Care Team, Government Accountability Office; Dr. Julie Kroviak, Principal Deputy Assistant Inspector General, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of the Inspector General; Panel two: Dr. Scott Kruger, Physician, Virginia Oncology Associates; Mr. Dave McIntyre, President and CEO, TriWest Healthcare Alliance; Mr. Ed Weinberg, President and CEO, OptumServe; Mr. Chris Faraji, President, Wellhive
2:15 PM | 360 Canon HOB

Senate Indian Affairs
An oversight hearing to examine Native communities’ priorities for the 119th Congress.
Witnesses: The Honorable Mark Macarro, President, National Congress of American Indians, Washington, DC; The Honorable William Smith, Chairperson / Alaska Area Representative, Valdez Native Tribe / National Indian Health Board, Washington DC; The Honorable Rodney Butler, Board President, Native American Financial Officers Association, Washington DC; Mr. Kerry Bird, Board President, National Indian Education Association, Washington, DC; Mr. Kūhiō Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, Kapolei, HI
2:30 PM – SD-628

Senate Aging
Hearings to examine optimizing longevity, focusing on from research to action.
Witnesses: Dan Buettner, Founder, Blue Zones, Miami, FL; Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Founder, FoundMyFitness, San Diego, CA; Dr. Eric Verdin, President and CEO, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA; Dr. Sarah C. Nosal, MD FAAFP, Physician, President-Elect, American Academy of Family Physicians, New York, NY
3:30 PM – SD-106

Thursday, February 13

House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Hearing: The USAID Betrayal
Witnesses: The Honorable Ted Yoho, Former U.S. Representative, Florida’s 3rd Congressional District; Mr. William “Bill” Steiger, Public Policy Fellow, Wilson Center
8:30 AM | 2172 Rayburn HOB

Senate Judiciary
Business meeting to consider the nomination of Kashyap Patel, of Nevada, to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice.
9:00 AM – SD-216

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Hearings to examine perspectives from the field, focusing on farmer and rancher views on the agricultural economy.
Witnesses: Panel 1: Mr. Bret Erickson, Chairman, U.S. Government Relations Council, International Fresh Produce Association, Edinburg, TX; Mr. Jeremy Hinton, Vice President, Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, Hodgenville, KY; Dr. Tim Boring, Director, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Stockbridge, MI; Mrs. Anna Rhinewalt, Council Member, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation/Mississippi Sweet Potato Council, Senatobia, MS; Mr. Ben Etcheverry, President, New Mexico Chile Association, Deming, NM; Panel 2: Mr. Ben Lehfeldt, President, American Sheep Industry Association, Lavina, MT; Mr. Buck Wehrbein, President, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Waterloo, NE; Mr. Harold Howrigan, Board Member, National Milk Producers Federation, Fairfield, VT; Mrs. Lori Stevermer, President, National Pork Producers Council, Easton, MN; Mr. John Zimmerman, Chairman, National Turkey Federation, Northfield, MN; Mr. Tony Wesner, Board Member, United Egg Producers, Seymour, IN
9:30 AM – SD-106

Senate Armed Services
Hearings to examine the posture of United States Northern Command and United States Southern Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2026 and the Future Years Defense Program; to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217.
Witnesses: Admiral Alvin Holsey, USN, Commander, United States Southern Command, General Gregory M. Guillot, USAF, Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command
9:30 AM – SD-G50

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Business meeting to consider an original resolution authorizing expenditures by the committee during the 119th Congress; to be immediately followed by a hearing to examine eliminating waste by the foreign aid bureaucracy.
10:00 AM – SD-342

Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine the nomination of Linda McMahon, of Connecticut, to be Secretary of Education.
Witnesses: Testimony from nominees
10:00 AM – SD-562

Senate Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine after Assad, focusing on navigating Syria policy.
Witnesses: 1. Mr. Michael Singh, Managing Director and Lane-Swig Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington, D.C.; 2. Ms. Dana Stroul, Director of Research and Shelly and Michael Kassen Senior Fellow, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington, D.C.
10:30 AM – SD-419

Senate Hearings & Meetings

2025 Congressional Calendar